gender + banking team up: Barbie loves going to the bank

I was waiting for the teller to call me up when I spotted the Barbie credit card advertisement at China Construction Bank. 

"To be self confidant & beautiful; the beautiful Barbie credit card. 因自信而美丽, 芭比美丽信用卡"

background: In March 2009, Barbie countered falling sales by opening their first mega-brand store in Shanghai. Then Barbie teamed up with China Construction Bank for the first ever, Barbie credit card. They marketed it as the "first female exclusive credit card."

pondering: I wonder if any gay males have challenged this envisioned use behavior. i would love to interview any these card users. If only I could get my hands on thier database of users. Hello sympathetic water army? anyone want to help out? Who are the users of this card? Guilty fathers? Well-meamning and super rich parents? Parents of college students?  I would imagine that one of the largest groups of users are mistress.