A selection of some of my favorite pieces.
Ethnography Matters
That's Shanghai
Dumplings for Sale [ 饺子:分享中文版,PDF 版;Chinese translation of article by Kate Jing, PDF]
Ethnography Matters
Ethnography Matters
A selection of some of my favorite pieces.
Ethnography Matters
That's Shanghai
Dumplings for Sale [ 饺子:分享中文版,PDF 版;Chinese translation of article by Kate Jing, PDF]
Ethnography Matters
Ethnography Matters
Book Reviews
China & Technology
The Future of Computing in China: Stories that Bind - 12.2011
How I was treated on the subway when I was doing fieldwork as a migrant worker - 6.2011
A recipe for disruptive innovation? Learning from Shanzai producers - 5.2011
Internet cafes in China: The Closest Thing to a Playground for Migrant Children - 1.2010
(Rant Alert) Spatial geographies of the World Wide Web: China is NOT the Wild Wild West - 6.2010
Village Technologies: Remote Fertilizer Monitoring - 07.2008
Surveillancing Technologies and Informal Economy Workers: Creating Trust with Invisible People - 9.2010
Ethnography, Design, & Technology
Invisibility of Ethnography - 11.2011
Design Research: A Method for Creating User Identified Services - 9.2011
How I was treated on the subway when I was doing fieldwork as a migrant worker - 6.2011
Ethnography in a digital world: the field site in a world of here, there, and everywhere - 1.2010
Why I love fieldwork: becoming a better ethnographer, personal tranformations - Four Posts to Follow - 4.2010
Livescribe Pulse SmartPen: An Ethnographer’s dream tool? 10.2009
flash ethnography: observations of a doctor’s use of mobile tech with a patient - 11.2008
Technology Products or Software
Livescribe Pulse SmartPen: An Ethnographer’s dream tool? 10.2009
flash ethnography: observations of a doctor’s use of mobile tech with a patient - 11.2008
Corporate Responsibility in the Age of Algorithms: HP overlooks “Dark Skin” users for its new HP Cam - 10.2008
Why Lenovo s10 is a modern technological reinterpretation of the purse clutch - 10.2008
Cloud Computing for Researchers - Mendeley Your Life! - 04.2008
Tips on How to Manage Information
My New Academic Workflow With My Ipad, iAnnotate, Mendeley & Dropbox - 9.2010
Media River or Media Deluge?: My process for a more sustainable and healthy information processing life (and a tech wish list) 9.2010
Cloud Computing for Researchers - Mendeley Your Life! - 4.2009
Internet, Race and Sexuality
Explanation for why I refuse to say"AFRICAN-AMERICANS": What do you call them blacks? - 6.2009
No culture in San Diego?: The Culture of Fear and Migration X- 4.2009
Corporate Responsibility in the Age of Algorithms: HP overlooks “Dark Skin” users for its new HP Cam - 10.2008
The oddity of pretending to be another race - Face Transformers - 6.2008
Invasion of the "African" body through technology - Consuming the Masai Masai - 9.2008
Heavily Racialized Superbowl Commercials - who says America has a race problem? - 4.2008
San Diego Wildfires Fires - How Race and Class are Covered by the Media - We have no "refugees" here - 10.2007
Web 2.0 Vigilante - Racism and Classism cloaked in Citizen Journalism: Holla'ed Back Video #1 - 1.2007
Thoughts on Justice, Sexuality, & Race
Legitimized discourses of male rape - John Mayer's comments in an interview with NY Mag - 10.2009
My Thoughts on Virgina Tech Massacre: Asians and Their *Inconsistent* Fight for Equality - 4.2007
DON'T BELIEVE IT! There's nothing Natural or Wild about the Wildfires in San Diego right now! - 10.2007
Mattel's Disappointing Breast Cancer Doll Pisses Me Off - 11.2006
In Memory of Teisha Sargeant: Not Just Another Murder - 5.2006
Musings on Thinkers
great quote about research and academia - stupidity rules, be afraid to ask the unknown - 2.2009
Cracking the Myth that Minority Kids Are Stupider than White Kids: Excerpt from Inequality by Design - 6.2000
My New Hero - Nestor Garcia Canclini - 12.2007
I would like to introduce you to Epistemological Anarchism - 12.2007
Claude Levi-Strauss's Pansies for Thought or The Savage Mind - 4.2007
Anne Rawls on Misinterpretation of Durkheim and Implication for Socioloy - 2.2007
A Quote from Robert Michels on Democracy and the "Iron law of Oligarcy" - 1.2007
Random thoughts
Random Tips
Some things that I learned about my new home in China - settling in takes a long time! - 5.2011
Some tips for surviving in any Chinese city where the transportation can be a litlle messy - 5.2011
Selection of Personal Blog Posts
I'm on Fire!: Experiencing the Stomach-Burning Medicial Treatment in China - 9.2009
I'm getting plants - yah to less toxins and bad EMF! - 9.2009
Tricia Wang Objetivo 2009 Territrio: The Year of Information Management - 3.2009
Arrows Arrows Arrow - My Arrow of Love - Flechas de Amor - 1.2009
Important question 4 our new pres: WHAT WOULD OBAMA THINK OF DANCING WORKOUT POODLES? - 11.2008
An interview with Tricia Wolf by The Wolf Times: About My Life as an Unprofessional Dog Trainer - 12.2008
RIP Peso - My Favorite Chihuahua - 12.2008
never too late to find out what you have in common with your family - for us it's hula hooping - 12.2008
I precinct Walked for my 1st time - I participated in the political system - 11.2008
I designed an Obama t-shirt with Grecia Lima - Migrantes por Obama! - 10.2008
YOGURT WORLD Featured in Review of Yogurt Places in Southern California! - 2.2008
Remind me to NEVER do research that treats the researcher as smarter than the "user/people/subject" - 12.2007
Published in peer reviewed journals
Ethnography of the telephone: Changing uses of communication technology in village life; Mobile HCI 2011 (co-authored with Barry Brown) [pdf]
While mobile HCI has encompassed a range of devices and systems, telephone calls on cellphones remain the most prevalent contemporary form of mobile technology use. In this paper we document ethnographic work studying a remote Mexican village’s use of cellphones alongside conventional phones, satellite phones and the Internet. While few homes in the village we studied have running water, many children have iPods and the Internet cafe in the closest town is heavily used to access YouTube, Wikipedia, and MSN messenger. Alongside cost, the Internet fits into the communication patterns and daily routines in a way that cellphones do not. We document the variety of communication strategies that balance cost, availability and complexity. Instead of finding that new technologies replace old, we find that different technologies co-exist, with fixed phones co-existing with instant message, cellphones and shared community phones. The paper concludes by discussing how we can study mobile technology and design for settings defined by cost and infrastructure availability.
Global Discourses of Information: Questioning the Free Information Regime, UBICOMP 2010 (co-authored with Morgan Ames)
In three transnational case studies of ICT use, we unpack common social constructions of free information in the West: the market commoditization of information, the socially viral nature of information, the ethical role of information, and the physical (dis)embodiment of information. We connect these constructions under the ideology of “neo-informationalism” and explore sites of tension that this paradigm creates in global technosocial contexts. Finally, we discuss implications of this stance for ubiquitous computing and call for a reorientation on the contextualized, local, and sometimes messy present instead of an idealized global future.
Inventive Leisure Practices: Understanding hacking communities as sites of sharing and innovation (co-authored with Jofish Kaye) (2011)
Hacking, tinkering, DIY, and crafts are increasingly popular forms of leisure that have also become growing sites of study in HCI.In this work we take a wide view of the similarities and differences between these practices. We explore a broad spectrum of such activities, which we collectively describe as inventive leisure practices (ILP). We ask how members of various hacking communities make sense of their practice and involvement, and discuss 8 themes we found in common in hackers’ practices. We conclude by proposing a working definition for ILPs.
“I didn’t bring my mobile”: changing technology use in a Mexican village (2009)
The cellphone has been a prevalent motif of recent research on technology and development. Yet, the cellphone is only one new technology amongst many that are influencing and affecting the life of new technology users in emerging regions. In this paper we outline our recent work in Mexico studying how some youth are supplementing their use of cellphones and moving onto internet communication methods such as instant messaging and websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia. We present early results from studying a Oaxacan village in the mountains of the Mixtec Baja. Despite the relative geographic and economic isolation of this village, technology is heavily used by the youth of the village, funded in part by migrant remittances from north of the border. While few homes have running water, some children have iPods and the internet cafe in the closest town is heavily used to access YouTube, Wikipedia, and MSN messenger. We document the ways in which the internet has come to be used to communicate both within the village and across Mexico. Even though there is no internet in the village, young users who spend time at the nearest town have found a way to incorporate internet cafes into their daily lives. Alongside cost, the internet fits into the communication patterns and daily routines in a way that cellphones do not. We show the various ways communication strategies have developed around an ecosystem of technology tools. Instead of the more common story of cellphones replacing the PC, we are finding that new users are finding ways to incorporate instant messenger into their communication practices in ways that replace or reduce their cellphone use. In conclusion we discuss the relevance of these results for the future lives of these new youth users.
A new economy is emerging: the economy of virtual game worlds. The gaming points of virtual worlds are traded against millions of dollars in earth currency and some trading is higher then real world currencies, such as the Japanese yen. However virtual this world may seem, I argue that its structures are grounded in reality and are not completely new forms of labor relations. Virtual gaming economies embody and reproduce real patterns of capitalist structures of labor, including alienated labor, commodity fetishism and a modern concept of labor theory of value.
The Iron Cage of Play: A Weberian Approach to Understanding the Virtual Economy of World of Warcraft
Traditionally, Weber’s theory of rationalism is utilized to analyze historical processes in society, such as bureaucracy, economy and religion. However, no author to date has extended Weber’s theory of rationalization to virtual economies. I will show how Weber’s theory of rationalism is a useful sociological framework to understand that the actions and beliefs of the two different types of players in WoW are tied to their offline economic values. I propose to analyze massive multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPG), specifically World of Warcraft (WoW), in the context of modern capitalism. By examining the gaming ethics and behaviors of players in WoW, I argue that players bring their offline economic rationale into the game. Beliefs about what constitute work and acceptable economic behavior in an offline world are carried into the online gaming world. As a result, we can see two types of opposing real-world behaviors that are rooted in an offline capitalistic tradition transferred into the game world: individual hard work and a capitalistic rationale of efficiency.
A Contemporary Modification to Emile Durkheim’s Epistemology (2007)
By privileging practice over idea, a Durkheimian perspective fails to account for how the abstract realm of conceptual ideas, symbols and beliefs can become sacrilized and thereby effect subsequent action. Bellah’s theory of symbolic realism faithfully extends Durkheim’s theory to explain how symbols can evolve out of practice to become powerful determinants of action. By avoiding the pitfall of privileging practice over ideas, symbolic realism allows for a flexible account of cultural historical variation in Durkheim’s theory of practice.
Parental Status and Cell Phone Ownership and Usage: A Systematic Analysis (My one and only attempt at doing a fully quantitative analysis, I won't be doing it again...ever!) (2007)
Recent studies reveal that the income inequity found for the traditional digital divide for computers and internet access and usage, is actually less extreme with cell phones. It suggests that factors of social connectedness have increased the value proposition of investing in a cell phone among the economically poor. Using data from a national survey of cell phone usage, this paper examines whether or not parental status (as a proxy for social connectedness) increases the probability of cell phone ownership among low-income respondents and also increases the probability of being an advanced cell phone user over a conventional cell phone user. The results of the study show that parental status is not a good predictor of owning a cell phone, or predicting type of usage, and that income and age are still the strongest predictors of ownership and usage. This paper then explores how the insignificant results may be due to mis-sampling of low-income respondents. A further examination of how material inequality relates to digital poverty and social connectedness is strongly urged for cell phones.